Memories..........oh what would we do with out them
In memory of my mother and my sister JoAnn
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.Then someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!""Gone where?"Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.Her diminished size is in me, not her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says:"There, she is gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming , and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: "Here she comes!"And that is dying. Henry Van Dyke
Oh how I miss my mother...It will be eleven years this week and I miss her so much but I am so thankful for all the memories we shared through all the years and the memories are what gives me the power to grow old with out her. She is with me always in spirit and I am so thankful I had her love for so many wonderful years. This week will also mark six years that my sister went to be with my heavenly family. Both my mother and sister passed away the same week , just five years apart. So I truly am so thankful for all the memories that I have of the two wonderful woman that were my mother and my sister.
The picture above reminds me so much of my mother when she was a young women. I could not believe the likeness and when I find the picture of her that reminded me of the above picture I will post it.
Dearest my heart goes out to you, this is indeed a hard time for you. Losing a loved one is not easy but we must always remember the wonderful memories they left with us. It will be 28 years on Jan. 27th since my dad passed away...I still miss him to this day. Your mother and sister are both watching over you. Hugs xoxo
It is difficult Sharon, but it is only because you have *good* memories of them that it is so difficult. This year will be the tenth without my Mum, and I still think of her daily, and quote her often. Our mother's live on in us..
I don't believe it..I was just here, and I went back to my blog and found your comment. Thank you..we were obviously thinking of each other at the same time..xx
What a wonderful thin memories are...I myself am also a memory keeper and try to capture as much of them as I can
Love to revisit and keep alive
Hold those memories tughtly and they always keep us warm don't they? Loving so much makes them leaving more painful but we wouldn't trade that would we? YOu have 2 guardian angels looking out for you...
Dear Sharon,
I think we have both been blessed with wonderful Mothers and the memories we will always keep in our hearts.
Angel Hugs...
You wrote your thoughts down in such a nice way. Yes how sad when they all go away isn't it? Seems so unreal, like how can that be. But it is what it is and can't be changed,but how fortunate if we are left with happy memories and good thoughts of the ones we love.I don't think everyone can say that.
Loved the story from Henry Van Dyke...... what a wonderful way to think of it.... that as we are saying "she is gone" someone is gladly shouting "here she comes". That is such a sweet thought. I'm sorry that your mother and sister aren't here with you.
Blessings to You!
Sharon, I loved this post, what a way you have with words :)
I'm sorry your mother and sister aren't with you anymore, they both sound like such wonderful ladies :)
Big hugs my friend,
beautiful post, my friend...
miss ma and gram too. love darcy
What a lovely remembrance of your Mom & sister. My Mom has been in heaven about 1 1/2 years now and I miss her very much. Sometimes I dream about her and often find myself thinking I will tell her some thing or another before I remember she is gone on. You sound like you have such a treasure of sweet memories..thats special. Hope you've had a nice day. they sure go by quickly, don't they! I read the whole afternoon, and my book was such a good read. Sad, but interesting and I give it a 5 star rating. "All She Ever Wanted" by Lynn Austin. I love authors that are know, you get to a place in the story where you really expect that to be the last page of the novel and you turn the page and hey, another chapter! =) Oh joy!
Sharon, your post was so touching and heartfelt. Mothers hold such a special place in our hearts. I am so glad you have so many wonderful memories "tucked away" of your beloved Mom and sister. I wish I could have joined you for tea.
That was a lovely post, sad but also very comforting. I look forward to seeing the photo. Clare
Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute, with us.
What a lovely sentiment you shared. It really puts a loved one's passing in a different, less sorrowful perspective. Thank you!
Hi Mom,
I miss Ada Amelia and Aunt Jo very much. I'm sure they both know that you have moved "home". Love Tam
Sharon Kay,
This is my first time visiting with you, but Lord willing, it won't be the last.
I appreciate your sentiments about your mother and sister.
My mother, two sisters, and two brothers all passed away as a result of cancer. My only living sibling has had cancer but is in remission. Out of 6 children, I am the only one cancer of now. If I dwelt on it, I would be miserable, waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. I try to take each day as it comes and appreciate the beauty and blessings of it.
God Bless.
Now your building memories for Amy and Tammy.....and their kids..... pictures share a thousand words.... without them where would we be......? Joanne was a wonderful lady as was your mom....I only met them a few times, but out of them came you, and I know how special you are.... ok I'm getting sappy.....judy
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