My Decorating Ideas.........
What to do.............
I wanted to put more of my ideas on this post but blogger is acting up and it is getting to me so.................I will try later. I will be posting ideas for my guest bedroom/office next.
I am siting here having a warm cut of tea and pondering over oh so many wallpaper and wallpaper border samples. What to do........What to do........
My problem is I have to many to choose from.....I need help..............
1. The first picture is of a wallpaper and border I like. The wallpaper will go on one wall and the border above the cupboards. The gold paint chip is the color I have chosen for the walls. And I have many red accents that will add a touch of Victorian and a little bit of country.
Which do you think will look the best. The stripe makes a statement but the other is a softer look.
I wanted to put more of my ideas on this post but blogger is acting up and it is getting to me so.................I will try later. I will be posting ideas for my guest bedroom/office next.
I will take my camera to the scrapbooking getaway this weekend and hope to get many good ideas for pages of my next scrapbook. Remember I said I was going to make all of next years Christmas gifts and this will be one gift that will be started and worked on all year.
Love to all..........Sharon Kay
3. This picture shows the colors of my cupboards. I will have the gold where the red is and the red where the gold is because of the gold walls.
Hi Sharon,
I hope I'm commenting on the right post about your wallpaper border. I can't see all of the photos, but I can see the two choices. I really like the softer look, but I'm sure either would look lovely.
Sorry blogger is misbehaving for you :(
Hello dear Sharon:-) Ugh, Blogger can certainly be a pain at times!! I love, love, love, the wallpaper and borders you chose...I prefer the polka dots to the stripes but then that's just my opinion! lol I can just imagine how much your mind is racing, trying to decide on everything...I'm sure, though, that at the end, everything will look stunning! Hugs xox
Here is what I would do, strip on bottom, chair rail and poka dot on top. Also the border would look nice on top of the chair rail.
Have been lurking for a while and enjoying the happiness. I redid an old farm house about 7 years ago with lots of borders. We are in PA just south of Pittsburgh.
Another vote for the polka dots!! Your kitchen is going to be so charming and I especially love that you are putting a lot of red accents around!
I really like your color combo! I vote for the dots too!
Isn't it so much decorating a new space? I love doing that! :)
Sharon, I have a roll of the border you have chosen if you would like it. I did my bathroom with beadboard 3/4 of the way up then a wallpaper with that border at the top. The roll is still in its wrap and would love to give it to you.
I like the polka dots the best too!! It sounds like you are having a lot of fun picking out paint and wallpaper, I look forward to seeng more of your ideas!
Looks likes I'm the odd-man-out. Not unusual. My vote is the stripes on one wall. Just like you said. Go for it. I agree it would make a statement, but not overpowering if only on one wall. Love the paint choice, as well.
I would think whatever you choose will be the very best!!
I'd use the stripes (love them) as an accent somewhere in the plan; but bet you would tire of it on a whole wall, then what? ~decisions,decisions~
Mmmm... This may sound silly but... I'm one who wants everyone to choose that which makes their own heart sing. I just don't like to give my suggestions. Even tho you asked.
So, that's my comment. Of no help I know. And yet, I really doubt that you'll need help with your decisions. You will know. You will know.
But don't stop showing us, that which you're pondering on!!!!
I say to go with whatyour heart says...sound silly but it works. *I* like the strips, since it is just on one wall and would be a real POP of color and drama. I love the paint color abd the plate....that border is so sweet.
What fun you are having! : )
Here is an idea for you...Use one for the walls and the other as shelfpaper and drawer lining for your cupboards. You can even line the backs of your cupboards with the paper. When I painted my cabinets red, I painted the insides off-white and used a coordinating wallpaper for shelfpaper. I applied it just as you would apply to a wall, and after it cured, I used a few coats of clear polyeurothane to seal it. It's holding up beautifully and it's so nice see the punch of color when I open up the cabinet doors. Plus, I don't have to worry about loose shelf lining moving about all over the place. Here's a photo of my shelving if you'd like to see.
Whatever you decide, I'm sure it's going to look great!
Can't believe how much l have missed on your site Sharon! Ok- l'll have to come back here to read with a fresh cup of tea. On this post l can't see all of the photographs but the choice depends on the style of your room- what height are your ceilings? etc. The dot wallpaper will make the room appear larger- the stripes smaller but would add height. Love all the combinations and colours!
Looking forward to reading more.
hugs x
LOVE the wallpaper and the gold color, that is going to look absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished room :)
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