Saturday, February 17, 2007

Thank You So Much.................

Thank You Bouquets

I could search the world over and not find a better group of women then I have found through blogging. I consider myself lucky to have come across all of them. I have a few that I have gone back and forth with for a year. I have found some that are interested in the vintage look which I love. I found a few who just have a flair for writing and many who know how to take wonderful pictures. All in all each and every one of the ladies that I blog with keep me coming back day after day to see what their next post will be about.

When I started blogging just over a year ago, I thought why not try it out and see what it Ia all about. Well it is about finding friends all over the world, friends that are always there to cheer you on or help you choose a wall paper border. They are there with prayers, and stories that will cheer you up on a down day. They may send you a card or surprise you with a gift. They are there when you need help, and there to say Happy Birthday. I am inspired by them in so many ways and I want to say thank you to all that read my blog and also for all the wonderful comments I receive. It has been so much fun and I truly believe that learning new things is what keeps us all young.

A very special thank you to Tammy of Kentucky Gal for helping me with my new back grown, she was there when I needed a helping hand.( I spoke with Tammy on the phone and she has the most darling Kentucky accent ) Also a big thank you to Susan P. of A Place Called Home. She sent me a beautiful hankie with roses and a K . for my last name and two beautiful cards. This is just a sample of all the new and wonderful blogging friends that I can now call my new circle of friends.

So to all my retired friends who want to beat the winter blues and stop the cabin fever, give this blogging world a chance. You to may just get hooked on this new and wonderful way of life just like I did.

Till Tomorrow.....Sharon K


Susie said...

I know just what you mean. Blogging friends have been there to be a wonderful support during some tough times for me, and also for the good times.
It's a wonderful and comforting way of communicating.
Love your background!!

Susan P. said...

Sharon, you described exactly the way I feel about blogging and meeting such wonderful blog friends. I had no idea what a blessing this little "adventure" would turn into! I'm so glad you love the hankie, I had it tucked away for a special person, I just didn't know who yet! I'm so glad it was you:)

TJ said...

I am so glad you liked it dear Sharon...and I'm glad we can all help one another!!
What a beautiful picture of roses and lace...and the hanky is so sweet and looks just like YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lovely comments on my new blog. As you say, it's so lovely to have friends dropping by from all over the world! I'm looking forward to reading your blog on a regular basis...Jane

Nancy Jo said...

Hi Sharon,
Lovely pictures on your blog as usual. Thanks for comming by to see me.
Love the pictures of the flowers on the chair, how pretty is that?
I would live to send you a little house warming gift,, How would I get your address?

Susie Q said...

What a sweet post! Like Nancy Jo, I too wanted to send you a little gift to warm your to speak! *smile*
If you feel comfortable sending me your address, please do!
email me at:
The gift you received is just so precious...
Isn't blogging a wonderful way to have fun? It is an amazing world.

Have a sweet Sunday dear Sharon K...


smilnsigh said...

And we are all so happy to have found you tooooooo!

Pretty, pretty, pretty new look here. I love it!

Oh I so wish I could convince others, of just what you've said here....

"So to all my retired friends who want to beat the winter blues and stop the cabin fever, give this blogging world a chance. You to may just get hooked on this new and wonderful way of life just like I did."

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!! A thousand times Yes!

Hugs to you,

Carole Burant said...

Dear Sharon,

I couldn't have said it better myself...this blogging circle of ours is one of the very best things that has ever happened to me also! I just don't know what I ever did without you all before I discovered blogging!!

I love your new background, I'm so glad that Tammy was able to help you with it:-) She's truly a sweetheart and yes, I also love her wonderful accent!!

That handkerchief is just gorgeous and I can just imagine how happy you were to receive it:-) Love the picture of the flowers on the chair also....perfect!

Hugs xoxo

a Pocket Angel said...

Oh Sharon your blog is just so beautiful! I smile each time a visit. You must be a very special lady. Thank you for your visits & lovely comments to my blog. I'm so sorry to hear your daughter too has the same problems as Isabella. We thinks Isabella's has had her JRA since she was about 4 but they just mis diagnosed her until she was 9. I love your new background. I too had trouble trying to get a background on my blog so I just gave up. I think it has something to do with the template I'm using. Hugs to you sweet friend :-}~Mary~

Judypatooote said...

Hi is the decorating coming along....can't wait to see your place...Carolyn emailed me, but she didn't read my blog, so she didn't know that lisa had the baby....she misses alot by not reading our blogs..... yes we are a blogging makes you realize just how generous people can be......and it's nice to read something happy, instead of all the violence.....Tammy sent me congrats for Lisa's baby...does she have a blog....if not get her going on it.....she would love it... well catch ya later.....

Sandra said...

You always share some of the best pictures on your blog.

I'm SO glad that I met you through blogging, you're such a sweet lady.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend,

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Beautiful photos and beautiful thoughts......
Thank you for sharing;

Nancy Jo said...

Hi Sharon,
If you get a minute come see all the stuff I got at the thrift store today.
How is it going with the new house? What have you done in the last few days?

PurpleFlowerFairy said...

i'm new to blogging but hope to find what you have here... love your photo!!! debbie

Maggie Ann said...

Sharon, what a sweet post! I know just how you feel though...=). Blogging has opened up a new world of smiles and blessings to me also. I'm glad we 'know' each other! Wishing you 'sunshine on your shoulders' another dear blogging friend says.

Laurie said...

I am enjoying blogging so much, and I think of all the wonderful ladies I have met through blogging. And to think a few years ago I was very much against having a computer.
Hope your decorating is going well, our house is coming along, slowly but surely!

Kerri said...

That's such a pretty picture of lace and roses Sharon.
The blogger community is indeed special, with wonderful friendships developing.
I like your wallpaper and color scheme choices. Knowing how much you love to decorate I can imagine how much fun you're having.
Enjoy yourself! xoxo

Sue Seibert said...

I have lost touch with Tammy of Kentucy Gal...if you hear from her, would you ask her to email Sioux? thanks.