Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My Little Girls Growing Up.........

I went in town this week and received Brittany"s senior pictures and Lindsey's 3rd. grade pictures. And of course I will find a special place for them in my little home at the lake. It seems like yesterday Brittany was in junior high and now she will be a senior in HS in the fall. Senior pictures sure have changed , when my girls were in school they were the normal pictures..... no pearls like I had a hundred years ago. Now the girls take 6 out fits along and change not just the pose but clothes.

This is Lindsey's picture and they are also quite different then the grade school pictures of long ago. This Sunday will be Lindsey's 9Th birthday and one of her gifts is getting a new decorated for a more mature young lady, grandma and mom painted and put a wallpaper border that she chose. We thought she would choose something different then she did. She choose a wallpaper border with puppies...cute little puppies.....and guess what she wants to go with the new room. A puppy of her own. I think Mom and Lindsey may go dog shopping this Saturday. They hope to find a small puppy that is looking for a new home and a puppy bedroom.

I got home today and will work on a few more projects at my little home at the lake. As they say......a lady's work is never done..........Sharon K


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Lovely pictures of your pretty girls.....
My youngest son will be getting his senior pics done sometime this summer ~ where has the time gone?

Susie said...

Hi Sharon,
Pictures have changed so much since I had my Senior Year done!
Lovely photos of both girls!!
Oh, and I love the puppy wallpaper border you put up!!

Kelli said...

Your girls are just beautiful, Sharon Kay! I love the sweet puppy wallpaper border and I hope they find the perfect new puppy to love!

Carole Burant said...

Your grandaughters are gorgeous and I love the poses! I hadn't realized that they no longer take just the typical school pictures anymore...I kinda like the new poses! lol Times sure are changing!! That wallpaper is just lovely and I hope that Lindsey gets a cute little puppy to love for her birthday:-) xox

Sandra said...

Love the pictures of your girls, they're beautiful :)

I was smiling because my daughter who is 8 years old is into puppies and has puppy posters and borders in her room too LOL

Have a great day :)

Nancy Jo said...

Sharon, how pretty they are. Love the pictures.
I have been off line for almost a week, feels like a year, I missed everyone.
I went to the thrift yesterday and got a few new things if you get time to take a peek.
Are you still at the lake?

Tammy said...

The girls are so pretty!
Yes, class photos have changes so much over the years.

That wallpaper is adorable...
Our family got a new puppy last, she is now HUGE! ;)


Tammy said...

I have a niece "Brittany" that will graduate this year...and she could be sister's with yours ...they have the same coloring!
Lindsy is a doll and deserves that puppy just for being so cute...teehee!

smilnsigh said...

My yes! Pictures have changed! More so in your area.

And lovely young ladies they are toooo. :-)


Judypatooote said...

Oh my God, I can't believe that she is a senior....i still think of Amy at that age...Brittany's beautiful and so is Lindsey...