Friday, January 12, 2007

Oh What A View

Oh what a view, the pictures are not that good and the windows may be a little dirty but I love the view. We found a condo on a small inland lake which sits on a golf course and we fell in love with the wonderful view. We were looking at these condos before we left for Florida to sell the house. The condo that we were looking at has sold but another one is on the market at this time.
We have been house hunting and looking at other condos but keep coming back to this one. The one thing I like about this one is I can start out from scratch as far as the decorating, new carpet, new floor and paint. I am going to decorate in country cottage with the vintage look here and there. The condo has a kitchen, living and dining room which is the open look, two bedrooms and two bath. We will put a four season room on the front looking out at the lake.
We will be busy this weekend but will put an offer in next Monday. And you will all be in on the decorating aspect .....Through blogging I know how many of you have wonderful decorating ideas.
The weather here has been warm, a little sun and a little rain. No snow yet but I am sure I will see it some time this season. It has been a busy time and I have only seen my girls and grandchildren one time sense we have been back.

The first five days I was sick and now a lot to do but I am only one hour away and know I can go in town to Toledo any time. It is a wonderful feeling. One overwhelming feelings I have had was to call my mom and say I am home. My mother passed away eleven years ago and is looking down and knows that I am home.

This is a picture of the out side of the condo complex, We will not have to cut grass or shovel snow, but I will have areas in the front yard and back to plant my flowers and watch my little garden grow.

We are also going to keep our little summer place at the lake, we love it there and have so many wonderful friends we can not think about giving that up. Both the summer and winter place are not that far apart but will come in real handy when we have company or the grandchildren want to spend the week or weekend. We will just go home to the condo. We will have Lake Erie and the little inland lake right out side our windows and what more can I ask for. I am truly blessed...................Sharon k.


Nancy Jo said...

That all sounds so nice!! and the veiw is wonderful. Hope it works out for you. Will be waiing to hear.

Susie said...

Sounds absolutely perfect! Hope they accept your offer.
I'm sure your Mom knows you're home and is smiling down..

Niki Fretwell said...

I hope it all works out for you.

That view is stunning!

Judypatooote said...

Well it looks like your coming along.....I hope your happier here than you were in looks like it has a beautiful view...can't wait to see it....

smilnsigh said...

All, except your being sick, sounds wonderful. And I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to vicariously living this whole fun saga with you.

Ohhhh decorating! I will enjoy reading your blog, soooo much.


smilnsigh said...

Oh and I'm so glad you found Dear Mrs. Staggs!!!!! She is a joy and a treasure.


TJ said...

Sharon, I loved the window pic...the little cherub sitting there just makes it!!

Susie Q said...

The condo looks so much like the one my mother moved into this past Fall. She moved from a big house on a lake in TN. It was strange to her at first but she so loves it now! Condo living is fun and frees uyp so much time for sweet things. I know you will be happy!
Have a wonderful move and enjoy it all.

Carole Burant said...

Dear Sharon, I do hope your offer will be accepted because I think this condo will be perfect for you! Oh and what fun it will be to decorate it all the way you want it:-) Wish I was there to help you!! Hopefully you will see more of your daughter and grandchildren once you've settled down more. Hugs xoxo

Susan P. said...

Sharon, the view you will have is abolutely breathtaking! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU that you have found a "place to call home!"

Kerri said...

I'm so glad all went well with the house sale in Florida. You and Charlie have been busy!
The condo looks wonderful, and the view is glorious. I do hope it all works out for you.
Sorry you had such a nasty dose of the flu! That's no fun.
Happy birthday (a little late) to dear little Winston.
I know how much you're going to enjoy being near your family :)